Britney's maybe baby daddy music producer J.R. Rotem has been discovered to have a profile on JDate, that online bastion of Jewish men unable to commit and their optimistic counterparts looking for a JMate. Did you ever notice how all the women are relentlessly perky, cordon bleu chefs, can easily rock a little black dress or faded jeans and they all *Love To Laugh*? Personally, I'd love to string up the first moron to coin that phrase. In fact, I do believe that anyone who ever uses the expression loves to laugh should be banished to New Jersey.
That said, Rotem has an equally annoying profile which reads this way. Original ad in italics, my comments in parentheses:
“Hey girls… Congrats for stumbling onto my profile - you just hit the jackpot! (if in fact your definition of hitting the jackpot involves a sleazy Hollywood hanger on) I am Jonathan, an established music producer who is having a challenging time meeting a hot Jewish girl (because I'm shtupping that used up Britney girl) with good values (who would likely choose not to date me if she did in fact possess said values). The success and visibility I have earned in the music industry keeps me surrounded by the wrong girls (gold diggers, cheap chicks, wannabe artists looking to use a guy like me for a music career, money, fame, etc - er, that was J.T.'s comment-though he seems to favor only cheap chicks ) Some personality traits that seperate [sic] me from most of the people I know in Los Angeles is a high moral code (Sorry, I hit my head on the keyboard there for a minute as I collapsed on the floor laughing) of honesty and loyalty. I would never cheat or lie to anyone I’m with (Unless it was Britney) as I believe in treating others as you would want to be treated. I think that those values (well, by values I mean that you can put a pricetag on anything) are the fundamental part of establishing a meaningful relationship. That, and intense physical attraction (attraction to the spotlight, non?) …”
One imagines then that Rotem using that walking car wreck Britney for his own nefarious purposes until he meets his own little Yentl is perfectly acceptable.
As you were....
1 comment:
OMG it's better than pop ups
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