Then you have the dangerously idiotic famous folks, who are so used to spewing daily inanities that they then try on major world events and historical tragedies for size, and try to give them a capped tooth grin and feel good spin. The latest in that category would be the former Fresh Prince who is mostly stale and to be blunt, dangerously stupid.
Smith recently tried to make nice to the reputation of one of the greatest mass murderers in history Adolph Hitler by declaring that he [Smith] sees the good in everyone, including Hitler.
"Even Hitler didn’t wake up going, ‘Let me do the most evil thing I can do today.’ I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was ‘good.’ Stuff like that just needs reprogramming,” Smith told the Daily Record.
Will, and how exactly to you "reprogram" the calculated mass murder and internment of six million Jews- men, women and children, not to mention homosexuals, gypsies or anyone deemed to be degenerate by the Nazi regime? Oh, and I don't know how to break it to you, but you might want to check the history books to see just how fond your buddy Hitler was of black athletes in the 1936 Olympics.
If I wasn't so infuriated by his idiotic statement, I'd be somewhat disturbed to read his quasi Scientologist use of the word "reprogramming."
Will Smith- you're an idiot, and sadly because you're such a famous face, you're in fact a dangerous idiot. Time for you and your Scientology dipped crew to step away from the limelight. The world has enough miseducation, racism and Holocaust deniers without your feeding fuel to that fire. One imagines that you suspect that those misguided men who wear pointy white hats and burn crosses are equally in need of "reprogramming."
As you were.
I am actually physically sick to my stomach and will NEVER see antoher smith movie again. What an idiot.
you're kidding, right? is will smith that big of an asshole?
Wow. could ~anyone~ be quite that stupid? obviously yes. you're right- very disturbing.
Did you read the Neo Nazi comments on the Page Six website? Now tht's scary shit.
hear that? that's me clapping for you bomb.
did you read his publicist's statement? instead of apologizing for will spewing at the mouth, it blames the people for writing about it.
I'm off Will Smith for good! A bunch of us were planning on seeing his new movie on vacation but now we're starting a whole petition and facebook group on campus when we get back go school - to totally reject him and his movies!! How ignorant could he be? No wonder he spelled the name of his last movie wrong.
Will Smith is Dead to Us
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