Now let's put this into perspective for a moment. An Australian newspaper recently reported on the politicians that women would most like to see naked (Thank god this wasn't an option when Al Gore was running for office). Parents magazine recently had a poll on which candidates would make the best babysitters. I guess in the realm of idiotic polls or lists, these half sexy mostly manufactured screen idols could sorta, kinda make it to the top 10 list of sexiest men alive.
Hmmm. What about sexiest dead men?
Well, to start with the literary world mourns the recent deaths of Ira Levin, author of pregnancy panic novel Rosemary's Baby and yet another reason never to get married book The Stepford Wives, nah he'd never make the list because he had more talent than looks. Recently deceased Norman Mailer set early feminists aflutter with his offensive to them statements on making sex sexy again. Nah, he was too hardcore for a glossy mag.
Okay. I'm not having much luck with these polls today, so I'll just start a new one- who would you actually vote for sexiest man alive? Preferably one who hasn't been airbrushed or been spotted in a man girdle or butt booster. (yes G.C. - I'm looking at your fine ass).
As You Were....
1 comment:
Who would I vote for sexiest man alive? Hmmmm - great question and now I've got lots to think about. It sure wouldn't be one of those guys they picked and re-pick (does the Ocean's 11,12,13,45 franchise pay for the covers????)
Ok. Now I'm going to put my chic thinking cap on over my grungy shower cap and do some serious thinking over ice cream and munchies. I'll get back to you.
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