Thursday, November 15, 2007

Change Your Name Stave Off Divorce Rumors- For At Least Another Week

Let's make like the Scooby gang and piece together some celebrity clues Buffy style:
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar is Maxim magazine's woman of the year - ergo, young beer bongers and social neanderthals still find her to be hot!
  • SMG will be in 3 new movies this year, and plays a porn star in one of them
  • Mr. SMG, Freddie Prinze Jr. can't seem to cut a break on TV or in movies and as of late bears an eerie resemblance to Wayne Newton
  • Gossipy types are reporting henceforth, the vampire slayer formerly known as Ms. Gellar will now be known as Sarah Michelle Prinze- this as a 5th anniversary gift to her hubby.
Now, it's been a while since the rumor mills have been talking about divorce for these two, but I'd wager that things are teetering on precarious territory and/or Sarah just wants to appear all wifey and married and stuff, and what better way to do that than with a name change?

Though if I was going to change my name I'd probably lose the Michelle and keep the Gellar.

Ain't Love Grand?


Anonymous said...

oh you kill me bitter, i always wondered why they made such a big production out of these lae name changes

alice said...

Very reminiscent of Posh Spice- the pornier the get-up, the more unfaithful one's husband, presumably.

Poor thing.