Publicist Michele Elyzabeth (who has obviously been hit with both the crazy stick and the Botox stick) has apparently decided to singlehandedly provide the viewing public with her antidote to the writer's strike in the form of a video rant against media-lite figures like Joy Behar and Barbara Walters of The View.
Elyzabeth, who represents the equally excitable Heather Mills, has released a new video blog on which she takes on all those bad, nasty ladies who said mean things about Heather.
Highlights include:
**After an appearance on The View, Mills had to rush home to be with her daughter and could not do the requisite ass kissing, I mean interviews, or according to Elyzabeth 'social work.' See, so that's why the former Lady McCartney thinks she's so freakin' charitable, if being interviewed on the View is akin to social work, well then, I guess being on Dancing With The Stars is actually treading on Mother Teresa territory.
**Elyzabeth refers to Joy Behar as a "horrible human being" and declares that Barbara Walters is something of a "storyteller of a tabloid magazine." I won't necessarily argue that second point, but I'd never make it in supposed defense of a client who refers on the goodwill of said tabloid.
Anyway, there was much talk of saint Heather, and "someone as big as she is" not having an ego and all.
Now, I may not be a publicist, but I do know a thing or two about good publicity:
- Never make your client look like a gold-digging-psycho with a saint complex
- If you do in fact make your client look like a gold-digging-psycho with a saint complex, never release a video blog in which you make yourself, your pooch and your dubious PR buddy look even more psycho than your gold-digging-psycho with a saint complex client.
As You Were...
1 comment:
Thanks for the clarification! I couldn't make heads nor horses-tail out of that whole debacle but your explanation of the crazy stick makes it all very clear.
As YOU were baby! Keep it up!
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