Here are the facts as cobbled together through various sources:
- Katie looks all kinds of relaxed at the finish line- not a bead of sweat, expression of agony or even a heavy duty sports bra in sight!
- Katie partied later that night- in high heels. Because EVERYONE can squeeze their agonized tootsies into stilettos (okay, a medium heel since she's trying not to tower over her itty bitty hubby) after running 26.2 miles and more than that, they're also up for a party!
- No one saw hide nor hair of her until mile 15 when Tom & Suri appeared for a photo op (though OK magazine apparently reported she'd be running weeks before the fact), and Katie's face was hidden from view for most of the time until said photo op. Now that doesn't make me think for even one second that maybe one of those nice Scientology kids was running in Katie's stead for the beginning of the race, nah- that would never happen.
Oh, and Paula Radcliffe? We're glad that you won, really. We just still remember that pee break you took at the London Marathon.
As You Were...
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