Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Chrismukkah

While I'll miss that pouty dreamboat Ryan whateverhislastnamewas, Seth Cohen and the rest of the cuties on The O.C. this season, I'm certain that their fictional selves would be thrilled to know that the holidays are hitting a lot earlier this year. According to the AP yesterday, Halloween is barely over and already big box retailers like Wal-Mart and Toys R Us are starting their sales early and aggressive.

There was a whole lot of blah blah blah in the article about how consumers will benefit from the early sales because the pricing will be more competitive. At least that's what I think it said, my eyes start to cross when assaulted by tinsel this early in the game.

As for me, the only holiday decoration I'd like to see around these parts is a festive garland of Menorah Blahniks.

Onward Christian Dior Soldiers....

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