I know this isn't brand new news- but the indignity of it all. Lance Bass the openly gay former 'N Sync boy bander who just won't seem to go away, apparently married a woman- because he thought it would get him free drinks. Now, a lot of women have been accused of getting married for a meal ticket, but booze? Shudder. I can't think of any reason less compelling. (though there's a really good chance that I'd marry you if you bought me the zebra print Longchamp Rodeo luxe handbag featured in today's Times) Then again, most people forget that La Elton was married to a woman too, only that seemed to be more to sway public opinion in some way. Oh and Brad and Angie? That flimsy excuse about not getting married until the rules on gay marriage are changed and everyone who wants to get married to can? I'm guessing that if either of your flicks continue to bomb you'll probably have a commitment/mass adoption ceremony in an instant - and of course the multi-million dollar photo fee will go to the charity of your choice.
Ain't Love Grand?
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