Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Girls With Diseases Get The Best Boyfriends

Ever since Ashley Wilkes fawned over the delicate flower Miss Mellie in Gone With The Wind (like you never noticed that the incredibly resilient and self sufficient Scarlett O'Hara couldn't stay in a relationship, kept choosing the wrong men and ended up alone?), it's struck me that the he-man instincts of the perhaps less evolved man caused him to become attracted to and subsequently take care of his frail and oh so feminine counterpart.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm bitter, not insensitive, but did you ever notice how come all of the women's magazines have these heartwarming stories of women with dread diseases and the men who stick by them through it all? Honestly, if I get so much as a hangnail, my man is out the door, and while I contend with less than optimum health, but my medical conditions aren't 'sexy.' I really wonder why it's the girls' with the big diseases that get the best guys.

Well, enjoy this one, it's heartwarming. God I hate heartwarming. No really, read it. It will restore your faith in other people's fiances Fiancé donates kidney to woman he loves.

Ain't love grand?

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