Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No, As A Matter Of Fact I Won't Be Commenting on Seinfeld On Letterman

Thank you for all of the e-mails about how up in arms you were when Jerry trashed that other cookbook chick (Missy Chase Lapine the somewhat porny named author of “The Sneaky Chef") on Letterman last night.

We're all in unison on this one here, it's awkward if not completely tacky to pimp out your wife's cookbook just because you have enough money not only to buy her a reputation, but to slander someone else's at the same time (not to mention all of those shoes).

I used to find Jerry Seinfeld amusing, I even think that Seinfeld [the show] captured the zeitgeist of an era in a way that no one else did. In that regard I think that the Seinfelds have also captured the zeitgeist of our own celebrity obsessed/obsessive materialism/complete loss of soul/have/have not era in a way that suits their over the top lifestyle in a way that is depressing if not completely cautionary-- at best. Jerry Seinfeld as the new Gordon Gekko-(or Michael Bloomberg or Donald Trump) who knew?

As You Were....

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