Okay, I really must get some fresh air and then dig into a day of work (yes. I am that pathetic to be working on a Sunday), but to set the record straight on some e-mails I received over the weekend.
I am NOT:
Julia Allison: Julia is fabulous in a different way than I am. She still cares about popular opinion and the general approval matrix- I in fact do not. I'm also too old to be Julia. Thanks for the guess though.
Judith Regan: While I knew Judith in the past, and even though I am a member of the tribe, she was always extremely kind to me, we are in fact not one in the same. She is much more volatile and impatient than I am. She also doesn't write her own material, that kind of bilious genius/insanity (take your pick) remains best served unscripted. I'm also too young to be Judith. Thanks for the guess though.
Naomi Wolf: Naomi Wolf takes herself seriously, very, very seriously. You're kidding, right? Besides- I'm too freakin' young to be Naomi. Though judging by the calendar and the big freakin' birthday I have coming up, I'm also very, very old. Thanks for the guess though.
Helen Fielding, Candace Bushnell or Sophie Kinsella, but trust me- my publisher wishes that I was. And yes you sneaky devil, I know that now you have a clue that I write books. The Shock! you still don't know who I am.
As you were...
Will you ever tell us who you are? I've laughed more in the past few days of reading your blog then during the entire run of Sex and the city or W. presidency.
I think it's more fun it you don't know who I am. Well, I think it's more fun for me at least, and since this blog was started for my own amusement, for the time being at least, I'll remain a best kept secret.
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