Now then, what's up with him being the rebound boyfriend for everyone from Cameron Diaz (yes, yes, deny it all you want) Bridget Moynahan (after breakup from Tom Brady) to Leo DiCaprio (dang that's an ugly website) castoff Bar Refaeli (I was so sure Leo would opt for a high profile wedding and mini me) the little Israeli girl who could?
Apparently, Kelly got into a scuffle over the weekend with Israeli cops after he attacked the paps who tried to get a shot of him with Bar.
Now for the non genetically gifted among us, let's get this wheel of booty straight for a moment:
Kelly is dating Bar ---> who dated Leo --->who dated Gisele --->who dated Tom --->who knocked up Bridget---> the only logical conclusion? Next up on the agenda will be Gisele and Bridget pulling an Ellen and Ann.
Ain't love grand?
Y'know I really couldn't breathe for a moment there just looking at Kelly Slater - be still my heart and other part(s)..... I didn't know that Leo and Bar were no more. I also thought he'd just knock her up and have a clone. They did make for one beautiful couple though... so does Kelly Slater - make a beautiful couple...sigh. heavy sigh.
Thanks - you're really the BOMB
Pop quiz- of the most recent famous cons would you choose Kelly or Kid? Like I even had to ask.
Thanks for stopping by!
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