Monday, October 29, 2007

Men Are From Lars - Scary Halloween Movie Alert!

Oh wait, silly me Lars and the Real Girl is supposed to be a sweet, romantic comedy in which the main character, traumatized by past life events falls in love with a woman (read sex doll) that he 'met' on the internet.*

That's not creepy at all.

Apparently the filmmakers took their inspiration from the celebrity arm candy of people like George Clooney and Matthew (put a damn shirt on already) Mcconaughey who seem to be dating their own Biancas.

Hey, just think about it for a second, with boob jobs and butt implants, collagen and Botox most of Hollywood is pretty close to being or finding their own silicone based true loves as well.

Ain't Love Grand?
* And no, I won't take cheap pot shots at internet dating. That's the way that we've met after all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know this movie wasn't as creepy as i thought, just very, very disturbing about society. i still don't know what i think of it.