Anyway, one would imagine that His Holiness is cringing at the new Panties for Peace campaign meant to pressure Burma's military regime. The maneuver is meant to be "a calculated insult to the junta and its leader, General Than Shwe. Superstitious junta members believe that any contact with female undergarments - clean or dirty - will sap them of their power, said Jackie Pollack, a member of the Lanna Action for Burma Committee." Then again, I think that thongs are a calculated insult to women everywhere, with that tiny, painful floss creeping into my nether regions- honestly, there's no crime nor military regime against VPL, but I digress.
A message on the activists' website reads (I couldn't get into the website, so I can't confirm): "This is your chance to use your Panty Power to take away the power from the SPDC. You can post, deliver or fling your panties at the closest Burmese Embassy any day from today. Send early, send often."
I think there's a message to be sent to tyrannical despots, I'm just not sure that it should be done with lingerie. Then again, who knew that Britney and Paris's bare ladygarden's were actually strong (shaved) political statements?
As you were....
(thanks S.K. for the tip)
Just to let you know the Panty Power movement is alive and well! Even though many of us are women from Burma and we all live right next door to the regime its hard to know how to send our messages. We feel that at least this is something any woman, anywhere, with a pair of knickers, an envelope and a stamp can do.
(We don't have a website...we have a blogsite lannaactionforburma.blogspot.com)
Gurtie Gusset
Lanna Action for Burma
Gurtie, thanks for weighing in and for providing us with the blog address.
Please make no mistake about it- whether or not I poke gentle fun at your efforts, I applaud them and tried to share them in a way that people would read about....Best of all, you're getting noticed which is tough in a media crazed world such as our own.
Go Panty Power!
the b.o.m.b. AKA Nicole Knickers
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