Well, this weekend, I didn't get my required dose, but did find some tidbits that I must share.
From Hello (October 16th issue):
The Original Supermodel and Style Icon Marie Helvin (their description- not mine, I don't know who the hell Marie Helvin is but apparently aging trousersnakes Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty among others tried to get in her pants). "When people tell me I look good for my age, I tell them I don't have the stresses of children and a husband." (Is that why I look so freakin' good?). This comment made me laugh too: "Plastic surgery? Absolutely, I approve, but everyone says once you start it's difficult to stop." Duh. I may have only the vaguest idea of who you are Marie Helvin, but even in retouched photos I can tell that it's been years since you've known when to stop.
Hello also had it's requisite extensive wedding shots, this time of Sir Ben Kingsley and his "new" love Daniela (she's the new love, we don't have to mention her last name as long as we remember the Sir). My fave quote from this spread: " I wanted it to be at home because we're very private here. It suited our temperaments to keep it small" So private in fact that you then whored out the photos to Britain's biggest gossip mag. Positively precious and oh so private!
Ain't love grand?
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