Sunday, October 28, 2007

If You're Happy And You Know It Watch A Chick Flick

S and I were supposed to go look at the foliage yesterday but it was too rainy and gloomy (thank god- I can't stand those relentlessly perfect weather days, give me some gloom and doom and I'm happiest) so we sat around at mine watching insipid movies and eating worse food.

Maeve Binchy (anyone know how to pronounce her last name?) may write sappy books, but she's one smart chick. We rented a fairly awful [though brimming with real estate porn] movie called Tara Road (with the pretty but talentless Andie Macdowell- and she is still cast in movies, why?) and the DVD extra footage was of Binchy talking at a rapid fire pace about the book/film. Anyway, she did at one point say that everyone in the film was searching for happiness, but if you don't have it you won't find it...She elaborated- some people think that they would be happy if they would have more money or are married, but there are plenty of people who are married and wealthy who are miserable. Too true - more on that another time. Tag line from the movie: People think they are on this earth just to be happy. Ah, those cheery Irish writers....So b.o.m.b. book club, are you happy if you think you're happy, or are you happy if other people think you're happy? Please discuss. My own thoughts on the subject will follow.

****Oh vomitus. I just discovered that Tara Road was an Oprah book pick, as God is my witness, there's no way I would have clapped eyes upon this had I but known. Incidentally, the movie The Holiday? can you spell rip off? Swap a dead son for a dead wife and an unknown balding Irish guy for Jude Law and you're on the right track.... Both flicks had great apartments and irritating leads (your call who you find less annoying- Cameron Diaz or Andie Macdowell) Rent both and agree with the genius that is the B.O.M.B.

As you were...

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