Just a quick note. I'm not hiding behind this persona- I AM this persona, only because of my extremely important/very glamorous/oh so impressive high profile day job, I'd rather not pull a Dooce, (and dear, that talk about spotting? We recognize the open bookness of your existence, but there are times when one must file things under T for Too Much Information) but prefer to blend into the woodwork on being this blogger as well.
I try not to be overly cruel in my commenting- hey, I'm this bitchy real time too, but prefer to amuse. The thing is that I'm a bitch with a conscience, so while the internet is rife with flame wars and zingers (yeah, check out the Gawker comments why don't you?) I'd prefer to be funny and snarky, and yes bitter. It is the new black you know.
As you were.
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