I swear to god this blog won't be all about weddings and the like, but Ronnie from Boston sent me this update and it was too good to resist. (From Abovethelaw.com):
Wedding flowers: $27,000.
Damages sought for wrong color wedding flowers: $400,000.
Being delinquent in your attorney registration, while filing a public lawsuit on your own behalf: Priceless
Apparently, so sure was Elana Glatt nee Elbogen (Or "party pants" according to this thread) that she was going to qualify for "Until (fill in five to fourteen months before the wedding date) the bride was employed as (fill in disposable career du jour, usually PR or attorney)" that she let her attorney registration lapse. Sigh. Guess she was too busy fretting 'bout the posies and planning her future as part of the cardio and collagen set.
Okay, and while he seems like a really nice enough guy, does The Engaged Guy blog not creep anyone else out even just a little? That testosterone laden wedding obsession seems a bit unnatural if not manufactured. Shrugs. As long as it works for them.
As you were
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